The Andromedan Invasion Continues...

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Border dispute: A Suvwl' Qeh encounters a Romulan Legion Destroyer on the Klingon Romulan border. Screen Shot: Hyper Lander 2 Classic Old enemies must put aside their differences if they wish to repel the Andromedan Invasion.

The forces of the Alpha Quadrant are backed against the wall...
IF SFC3 ever gets a Dominion War Add On, I was thinking that would be a great way to bring the Interstellar Concordium into play...

I still need help updating spec files and converting ships over to SFC3. The IKV Kraag Dorr on patrol near the Romulan border.

Someday this space will contain more information about gaming, such as gaming codes, hints and tricks, and links to other gaming sites.

Hot Pursuit! A FASA Ranger Frigate (P81) on an intercept course against a SFB style Andromedan Cobra Satellite ship. Project BOB is fun to play.